
Pranayama is a practice of breath control consisting of different, synchronized breathing exercises that strengthen the connection between body and mind. In Sanskrit, “Prana” means life force, and “Yama” means to control, resulting in holding the breath in a specific sequence and pattern of purposely inhaling and exhaling. Pranayama helps in supplying the body with improved oxygen intake while removing toxins.
With the regular practice of Pranayama, you can decrease stress, improve sleep quality, reduce high blood pressure, improve lung capacity and digestive functions, increase metabolism rate, increase cognitive performance, and much more.
Pranayama is not physically intense like working out in a gym or running, but it impacts our internal organs, brain, and heart more. With Pranayama, you practice breathing more effectively, changing bodily processes to a better flow.


Pranayama promotes relaxation and mindfulness, and studies have shown that you can rewire your brain with the control of your breath. People who experience anxiety, depression, insomnia, and other ailments would greatly benefit from the regular practice of Pranayama. You can combine Pranayama with other offerings to help you achieve better health.


Sound Healing


Reiki Healing